Development and evaluation of complex interventions / Health economic evaluation
Complex interventions
Complex interventions consist of various components, involve various players and are anchored at various levels of health care. Many interventions applied in the health care of people with chronic diseases, like diabetes mellitus, are complex, such as patient education, interdisciplinary treatment of the diabetic foot syndrome or the provision of disease management programs. In this research area, we focus on the development and evaluation of complex interventions based on behavioral economic approaches in clinical patient populations according to the recommendation of the Medical Research Council.
Health economic evaluation
In health economic evaluation, we carry out cost-effectiveness analyses or cost-benefit analyses based on randomized controlled clinical studies of our cooperation partners. Most often, this means the evaluation of complex interventions. Through the results obtained from the health economic evaluation, information on the efficiency of interventions from a societal perspective and the perspective of the statutory health insurance in Germany is made available to decision-makers and the professional public.