The aim of psy-Pad, a randomized controlled study, was the pilot implementation and evaluation of an integrated and intersectoral health care provision for patients with diabetes, diabetes-related distress and a problematic metabolic control. Diabetes-related distress can be divided into general emotional distress and specific diabetes-related distress, such as the fear of hypoglycaemia. A unique characteristic of the study is that the treatment model was designed not only for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and psychosocial correlates such as depression, but should also address patients with other diabetes-related distress.
A health economic evaluation carried out as a cost-effectiveness or cost-utility analysis.
Project Lead and Contact Person
Klinik für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Universität Gießen
Own funds
Expanding data collection to include instruments on health-related quality of life, utilization of health care and indirect costs. Based on these variables, costs and quality-adjusted life years are calculated for the intervention and for the control group. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are calculated in terms of costs per QALY obtained and per person with improved distress and metabolic values. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are calculated both for the societal perspective and for the perspective of the statutory health insurance. Sensitivity analyses and cost-acceptance curves are carried out or will be developed.