Mission Statement of the German Diabetes Center
At the DDZ, we contribute to reducing the individual and social burden of diabetes mellitus through interdisciplinary research. Our focus is to offer translational networking of fundamental molecular and cell biology research with clinical, epidemiological and care-related research. Our scientific contributions aim at improving prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and its comorbidities and complications, as well as to increasing the knowledge on the epidemiology and health economics of diabetes in Germany. We serve as the reference center of the Leibniz Association for diabetes. In this capacity, we prepare scientifically founded information on diabetes, make it available to the public, in particular to those affected and their relatives, and act as a contact point for all those involved in the health care system.
In the field of research, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams (consisting of scientific and technical staff) work together to cover a wide range of disciplines and methods from medicine, natural sciences and social sciences. We apply the guidelines of good scientific and clinical practice as standard regard. Our strategic plans and research management are performed in cooperation with the Scientific Advisory Board, which comprises international experts in different fields of diabetes research.
We recognize our responsibility for all colleagues, employees, students, study-participants and all those involved in our studies and projects. We maintain an open approach, characterized by mutual respect, acceptance and integration and offer to our employees a family-friendly environment. Since 2011, this concept is certified through the “work&family” (berufundfamilie) audits.
As an affiliate institute of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf (HHU), we cooperate intensively with its faculties as well as with the Düsseldorf University Hospital (UKD) in various fields. One of our main focuses is on the training of students and young scientists, as well as on translational research and patient care (from bench to bed-side to society). Within the framework of these collaborations, several of our employees and professors also hold leading positions at HHU and UKD.
In the numerous studies we carry out involving participants from the wider population, data protection is a top priority for the DDZ. In this regard, we are advised and supported by our external company data protection officer, TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH. The safety of the participants of studies is of paramount importance to us. Accordingly, the research areas performing clinical studies have been certified according to DIN ISO 9001.
This mission statement aims at explaining the purpose of the association as described in the Articles of Association of the German Diabetes Research Assocation (Deutsche Diabetes-Forschungsgesellschaft e. V.).