Eine Powerpoint-Präsentation, die die Anzahl von Personen mit Diabetes in 2019 zeigt

Epidemiology of Diabetes: Dynamics, risk factors, and treatment of diabetes and its complications

The Research Group ‘Epidemiology’ investigates the dynamics, risk factors, and treatment options for diabetes and its related complications and comorbidities. The goal is to describe the prevalence and incidence of diabetes, gain a deeper understanding of its development and progression, and contribute to improving prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. This is achieved through the analysis of data from population-based studies, registries, and health insurance records, as well as through systematic reviews and meta-analyses.


  • Surveillance and population-based estimation of type 1 and type 2 diabetes: Assessment and analysis of the prevalence and incidence rates of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, particularly among young individuals, in North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany
  • Lifestyle and cardiometabolic health: Investigation of the role of diet, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors in preventing diabetes and its complications or comorbidities, with a focus on subgroups with different risk profiles
  • Pharmacological treatments for diabetes: Evaluation of the benefits, effectiveness, and safety of both conventional and innovative pharmacological therapies
  • Evidence-based medicine in diabetology: Conducting umbrella reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses to generate evidence in diabetes research and contributing to the development of guidelines


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