Analysis of health care processes in women with gestational diabetes during and after pregnancy

Home Research/Institutes Institute for Health Services Research and Health Economics Patient-relevant outcomes Analysis of health care processes in women with gestational diabetes during and after pregnancy

Despite guideline recommendations, there is evidence that follow-up examinations of women after a diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM) during pregnancy are insufficient. Health care providers are interested in developing aftercare models in this regard. Knowledge of the prevalence of GDM, its treatment and in particular the use of aftercare services and potential predictors is, however, essential for further research work and the subsequent planning of appropriate pathways.


The aim of the project is to provide reliable information on the health care situation of patients with GDM and to illustrate the potential of statutory health insurance (SHI) data for further monitoring. The following individual questions are amongst those to be answered:

  1. What percentage of expectant mothers was screened for GDM during pregnancy, when and how often? How has this percentage developed since 2010?
  2. How frequently is a GDM diagnosis documented between 2010 and 2016? (Estimate of the prevalence of GDM related to births in women without indication of diabetes prior to pregnancy). At what time during pregnancy was the diagnosis made (determined by the date of the test)?
  3. Which (medical) specialist group first coded the diagnosis?
  4. What percentage of women with GDM is given insulin during pregnancy?
  5. How many women with a GDM diagnosis are cared for in a specialized diabetic practice?
  6. How many women with a GDM diagnosis attend a post-partum oGTT – by which service providers and when is this performed? How has this developed since 2010?
  7. How many women attend further/other metabolic tests up to two years after childbirth, with which providers and at what time in relation to childbirth?
  8. What proportion of women with GDM have manifest diabetes documented within up to two years of delivery?
  9. Which associated factors for postpartum metabolic control and the development of postpartum diabetes can be identified in routine data?

Project Lead and Contact Person


  • Universität zu Köln – pmv Forschungsgruppe
  • winDiab gGmbH


Zentralinstitut für die kassenärztliche Versorgung (Zi)


Claims data of the BARMER from 2008 - 2017 serve as a database. Descriptive statistics, in particular estimations of incidence rates and periodic prevalence rates, but also Kaplan-Meier estimations and multiple regression analyses adjusted for diverse influencing factors are used to seek answers to the aforementioned questions.



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